Updated 08.05.22


Masks are no longer required (but strongly recommended) for all patrons. Individuals should wear a mask based on their personal preferences and risk level. Please keep in mind that daily new cases of COVID are still in the 1000s in Connecticut.


As a condition of being permitted to Cheney Hall, all patrons age 12 or older must comply with our Patron Vaccination Status Attestation. Patrons will no longer be required to present physical proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test before entering Cheney Hall. 

Patron Vaccination Status Attestation

I hereby acknowledge, agree, and solemnly attest to the following: 

(1) I attest that either:

(A) I am fully vaccinated, which means that on the day I enter Cheney Hall:

(a) at least 14 days have elapsed since my second dose of an FDA or WHO-approved two-dose COVID-19 vaccine,


(b) at least 14 days have elapsed since my single dose of an FDA or WHO-approved single-dose COVID-19 vaccine.  


(B) I have taken a COVID-19 PCR test within 72 hours prior to the event start time, or a COVID-19 antigen test (also known as a "rapid test") within 6 hours prior to the event start time, and I will only enter Cheney Hall if the test returns a negative result.  

(2) I understand that I am not permitted to enter Cheney Hall if I obtain a positive COVID-19 test result within six days prior to the event and that I should contact the Box Office to obtain a refund if appropriate. I agree to apply these same terms to any other person for whom I am purchasing a ticket.

(3) I understand, agree, and certify that any other persons for whom I have purchased tickets (except those under the age of 12) will comply fully with this COVID-19 Patron Vaccination Requirement herein, including without limitation, satisfying one of the conditions listed in Section (1) above and that I shall be responsible for ensuring compliance by all such people.

If you feel sick or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, we ask that you prioritize your health and the health of others by staying home. 

We no longer offer socially distanced seating given our vaccination policy.

Unless specifically detailed above, there will be no exceptions to these policies. Failure to comply with these policies shall result in denial of entry or expulsion from Cheney Hall. Refunds shall be available for those unwilling or unable to comply with this policy.

Please contact us at (860) 647-9824 for questions.

These policies are based on current information and industry best practices and are subject to change. We are committed to the above policies based on local health determinations. We will continue to review the current situation and any updated guidance from the CDC and the State will determine if any changes need to be made. All changes will be communicated here, on our social media platforms, and in our e-newsletter.




Our VIP and General seating sections will now be reserved seating, providing you a safe, comfortable experience.



Our heating and air conditioning system is reconfigured to EXCEED the World Health Organization’s and the CDC’s guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. With MERV-13 filters and outside air intake at a minimum of 40%, at 9.9 ACH, we exceed the Equity’s minimum requirement and, according to the AIHA, are very near 99% relative risk reduction of contracting COVID-19.



Our cleaning process is enhanced to frequently treat surfaces (including our seats) with products that kill COVID-19.


On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, The Little Theatre of Manchester hosted faculty from the Yale School of Public Health along with members from Shoreline Arts Alliances. Dr. Sten Vermund, Dean, Yale School of Public Health, and (via video conference) his associate Dr. Krystal Pollitt, walked through Cheney Hall to review all the steps we have taken to make sure your next visit to Cheney Hall is a safe and healthy one. From addressing air quality concerns to approving our proposed seating arrangements, this group offered invaluable support and guidance and provided suggestions for the future. Based on this feedback, we feel very confident in our reopening plan.